

来源:网络  作者:本站  发布时间:2020年05月29日  阅读次数:   次


[Scope of Use] It is suitable for disinfection of environmental surfaces and surfaces of various appliances, products, facilities and fabrics in medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, public places, food processing places, families and other places.


[How to use]

1.     物体表面消毒:将本品与水按照1:50的比例稀释,用稀释液擦拭物体表面或将物品浸泡于稀释液中进行消毒,作用2min,擦干或用清水冲净。

1. Disinfection of object surface: Dilute this product with water according to the proportion of 1:50, wipe the object surface with diluent or soak the object in the diluent for disinfection. Make it work for 2 minutes, and dry or rinse with clean water.


2. Disinfection of cotton and chemical fiber fabrics: Dilute this product with water according to the proportion of 1:50, soak cotton and chemical fiber fabrics in the diluent for 2 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.




1.     本品为外用消毒剂,置于儿童不宜触及处,避免误服;

1. This product is a disinfectant for external use. Keep it away from children and avoid taking it by mistake;

2.     高浓度原液可造成严重的角膜以及皮肤、黏膜灼伤,操作时须穿戴防护服、眼罩、面罩与橡胶手套。一旦接触,应立即用大量水轻轻冲洗15-20min,检查有无灼伤以确定是否就医;

2. High concentration stock solution can cause serious burns to the cornea, skin and mucosa, and protective clothing, goggles, masks and rubber gloves must be worn during operation. Once contacted, rinse with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes, and check for burns to determine whether to seek medical treatment;

3.     一旦发生应用消毒液引起的眼睛不适或刺激,应立即用大量水冲洗;

3. In case of eye discomfort or irritation caused by the application of disinfectant, rinse with plenty of water immediately;

4.     对于重垢表面,应先清洗,再消毒;

4. For heavy scale surface, clean first, and then disinfect;

5.     本品不能与肥皂或其他阴离子洗涤剂同用,也不能与碘或过氧化物(如高锰酸钾、过氧化氢)等同用;

5. This product should not be used with soap or other anionic detergents, nor with iodine or peroxides (such as potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide);

6.     密闭,置于阴凉处保存。

6. Keep it closed and store it in a cool place

